How to care for your American Bully puppy!

Taking Care of Your American Bully Puppy

When it is time to finally take your American bully puppy home, you want to make sure you are prepared to have a puppy in your home. You can do this by making sure the puppy gets on a good routine. Everyone is going to be super excited to bring their puppy home and want to spoil them. You want to make sure that you puppy proof your home to make sure the puppy doesn’t hurt them self. It is like having a baby in your house. I will also recommend some good toys to keep around for your puppy to play with as well.

BOG american bully puppy
BOG American Bully Puppy

Puppy Proof Your Home

The first thing you want to do before you bring home your American Bully puppy is to make sure your home is puppy proof. You will want to buy outlet covers to cover all the outlets so that way your puppy doesn’t try to lick them and accidentally electrocute themself. You will also want to make sure that any cords are tucked away or placed up out of reach. Your puppy may think that is it a chew toy to chew on or play with. Another thing you will want to do is get a gate or more than one gate to block off any rooms or stairs you do not want your puppy entering into.

BOG American Bully Puppy
BOG American Bully Puppy

Safe Toys For Your Puppy To Play With

The second thing you want to get before you bring your puppy home are safe toys for the puppy to play with. You don’t want to get anything that can easily rip apart, is a choking hazard, or to small that they could choke on it. The toys we recommend buying are kongs, bull sticks, fresh (frozen) bones (from your local butcher), or GoughNuts toys. All of these are toys we have bought for our puppies to play with. This way it keeps them from getting bored and chewing on your furniture. (I will post a link below of a kong toy that is good to purchase).

Frozen Bones
Frozen bones from our Local Butcher shop

Bringing Your Puppy Home

Once you have puppy proof your home, bought some toys, it is time to bring your puppy home. You will want to start off with a small area gated off for your puppy to be around in. You do not want to give the whole house to your puppy to play in. They need to understand and learn that they do not rule the whole house. They can have their safe area for them to play, sleep, and eat in.

We have a gate at our stairs because we do not allow our puppy to be upstairs. You want to always keep an eye your puppy. You can’t do that if you are in one room and your puppy is upstairs in another room. Just make sure to provide a barrier and make the puppy earn another space. The last thing you want is pee and poop spots all over your house while your trying to train your puppy.

I hope this information helps!

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